(As of April 24, 2024)


Based on consolidated data from the National and Local Government, PCDR, MASIPAG-Visayas, Dagyaw Pesante, RISE UP – Aklan, and PCDR DPCs





The current El Niño episode in the country began in the tropical Pacific in June 2023, gradually progressing from weak to strong. Although PAGASA, in a briefing last March 2024, said that the El Niño phenomenon has started to weaken and neutral conditions may return by the second quarter of this year, its impact, especially in the agriculture sector, is undeniably severe.

The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center of the Department of Agriculture estimated that El Niño has so far caused almost ₱4 billion worth of damage and losses to agriculture, affecting more than 73,000 farmers and fisherfolks around the country.

The Department of Agriculture says drought will worsen in Western Visayas provinces before May. Moreover, the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council VI (RDRRMC VI) has elevated its alert status to BLUE, starting April 23, in light of the El Niño phenomenon gripping the region. This decision comes as a response to the below-normal rainfall conditions experienced over the past months, leading to adverse effects on water resources, particularly in the provinces of Antique, Capiz, Iloilo, Negros Occidental, and Guimaras. According to the latest weather outlook from the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), these areas are currently facing drought conditions exacerbated by the El Niño phenomenon.

On the other hand, the country can expect more storms in the latter half of this year due to La Niña, according to state weather forecasters.


PCDR, together with its local network of organizations, conducted a Damage, Needs, and Capacities Assessment in different communities and municipalities around Panay Island. With the data from the government available online and the results of the DNCA, PCDR was able to come up with a comprehensive situational report.

In terms of agriculture, Western Visayas recorded the highest agricultural losses with more than ₱1.367 billion, affecting at least 40,000 farmers.

Iloilo Province

  • Iloilo province has been the most affected, with losses amounting to almost ₱690 million. If affected a total of 18,717 farmers and fisherfolk (based on accumulated data from the national and local government, PCDR, MASIPAG-Visayas, Dagyaw Pesante, and PCDR’s DPCs);
  • Damage to rice is the biggest, followed by corn, fisheries, HVC, and livestock;
  • Rice farmers recorded an average yield loss of 50% for second cropping (1st quarter of 2024), amounting to ₱ 30,000 – 50,000 worth of loss per hectare. From 80-100 sacks during the second cropping in 2023, farmers were only able to harvest 30-50 sacks per hectare during the first quarter of the year;
  • In some areas, other farmers were not able to plant during the second cropping;
  • In some areas, there’s an increase in reports of stealing of farm animals as people’s way to survive;
  • Meanwhile, fisherfolks recorded a loss of ₱ 5,000 – ₱ 10,000 per month since January due to a decline in fish catch. From a minimum of 10 kilograms of fish caught before El Nino, fisherfolks were only able to catch a maximum of 3 kilograms per fishing trip;
  • Two Municipalities have already declared a state of calamity due to the impacts of El Nino, especially in agriculture: Sara (April 12, 2024) and Estancia (April 15, 2024);
  • Iloilo City was also placed under a state of calamity last April 22 due to a water shortage.

Antique Province:

  • The province was first to declare a provincial-wide state of calamity in Western Visayas, last April 18, 2024. This came after other municipalities declared a state of calamity: Sibalom (March 13), Anini-y (March 26), Laua-an (April 12), San Remegio (April 16), and Tobias Fornier (April 17);
  • According to data from the PSWDO, a total of 281 barangays within the province have been affected by the drought, affecting 12,552 families (50,292 individuals);
  • The combined total loss for agriculture, including rice, corn, high-value crops, livestock, and fisheries/aquaculture, amounts to ₱213,527,105 based on the data of the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA). This affected at least 4,313 farmers based on the data from NDRRMC and MASIPAG-Visayas;
  • Damage to rice is the biggest at over P110 million, affecting 4,151 farmers in 2,340.94 hectares of land in 13 towns: Hamtic, Patnongon, Valderrama, Anini-y, Tobias Fornier, San Jose de Buenavista, Sibalom, San Remigio, Culasi, Laua-an, Bugasong, Tibiao, and Sebaste;
  • For corn, the total damage in the towns of Barbaza, Patnongon, Hamtic, Sibalom, Valderrama, San Remigio, San Jose de Buenavista, Tobias Fornier, Tibiao, and Sebaste reached P18.8 million, affecting 360.105 hectares of land;
  • Moreover, high-value crops such as radish, squash, and pechay planted in Bugasong, Sibalom, and Tobias Fornier also suffered losses amounting to P9.6 million. A total of 140 farmers who own 253.78 hectares of land were affected;
  • All in all, farmers reported 50-80% of production loss due to El Nino.

Capiz Province:

  • According to the Provincial Agriculture Office, El Nino affected 3,427 farmers in Capiz, bringing a total worth of damage to approximately ₱184.63 million;
  • Reported that data from 13 municipalities showed 3,115.11 hectares of rice land impacted, with 852.41 hectares totally damaged and 2,272.70 hectares partially damaged;
  • The drought severely hit several barangays, with Jamindan town losing 317.39 hectares, Sigma 992 hectares, Dao 289.5 hectares, Mambusao 179.95 hectares, and Dumarao 135.65 hectares of agricultural land;
  • Apart from prolonged drought, farmers also reported losses due to infestation;
  • All in all, farmers reported 50-70% production loss due to El Nino;
  • For fisheries, fisherfolk also reported at least a 50% decline in fish catch since January of this year.

Aklan Province:

  • Based on combined government and RISE UP Aklan data, El Nino damage to agro-fisheries in Aklan reached ₱93,683,159.32, affecting 8,217 farmers and fisherfolk in 12 municipalities;
  • Farmers experienced a 40-50% loss in production during the second cropping, while fisherfolk experienced a 50% decline in fish catch since January of this year.

Guimaras Province:

  • Two municipalities have already declared a state of calamity in Guimaras due to El Nino: Buenavista (April 26, 2024) and San Lorenzo (April 17, 2024);
  • The province has yet to submit its damage assessment;
  • The Municipal Agriculture Office of Buenavista recorded damage to crops in 13 Barangays, amounting to ₱2,362,596;
  • Meanwhile, the entire municipality of San Lorenzo recorded ₱17,226,683.36 in damage to agro-fisheries.

Negros Occidental Province:

  • As of April 17, Negros Occidental reported damage to crops totaling ₱173.576 million, affecting 4,431 affected farmers in 167 barangays from November 2023 – April 12, 2024;
  • Based on the report, a total of 3,116 hectares of rice fields in 23 LGUs in Negros Occidental have been damaged amounting to PHP168.838 million. Some 4,266 farmers in 148 barangays have been affected. Meanwhile, damage to corn, which was reported in five LGUs, reached PHP4.737 million;
  • The municipality of San Enrique was declared a state of calamity last April 8 due to the impact of El Nino, especially in the agriculture sector.


The following were the common experiences recorded in both fishing and farming communities that PCDR and its network visited around Panay Island:

  • Water supply both for household and drinking use dwindles. Other families in some communities result to buying water even for domestic use, spending at least ₱100/day;
  • Some of the areas visited were not even assessed yet by their respective Local Government Units, and PCDR and its network were the first ones to conduct damage assessment;
  • Almost all communities visited have not received aid from the government.

Due to the impact of El Nino on both agriculture and fisheries sectors, affected farmers and fisherfolk expressed the need for food and livelihood assistance.

  • Some communities have initiated steps to cope with El Nino. Others submit and are planning to submit petitions for aid to their respective LGUs signed by different affected farmers/fisherfolks. Meanwhile, others were able to find alternative sources of income and food like carpentry, driving, harvesting shells in the seashore, and other odd jobs. Despite these, affected farmers and fisherfolk still expressed the need for food packs and livelihood assistance.
  • As early as February of this year, PCDR and its network started monitoring the areas affected by El Nino in different provinces around Panay Island. Other partner organizations, Disaster Preparedness Committees also led the information dissemination and education drive as early as the last quarter of 2023. As a result, some communities were able to somehow prepare and look for alternative sources of income and food. Moreover, in March of this year, PCDR also utilized its social media to disseminate information on heatwaves and the impacts of El Nino.
  • Last March 25, within the day of the conduct of the RDANA, PCDR delivered initial relief assistance to a total of 150 families [787 individuals] affected by El Nino in two fishing and farming communities in Ajuy, Iloilo.
  • PCDR, with its network of organizations, was able to release a Situational Report on El Nino.

DATA: Based on consolidated reports from the National and Local Government, PCDR, MASIPAG-Visayas, Dagyaw Pesante, RISE UP – Aklan, and PCDR DPCs.

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