About Us

About Us

The Panay Center for Disaster Response, Inc. (PCDR) is a non-stock, non-profit disaster response organization that serves vulnerable sectors affected by natural and human-induced calamities in Panay (Aklan, Antique, Capiz, and Iloilo) and Guimaras Islands.


Since its establishment in 1984 under the name CRREED, it has been in the forefront of disaster relief and response in Panay and Guimaras, serving hundreds of thousands individuals from more than 200 communities. PCDR was re-established in 2008 to continue its mandate of serving the poor and the marginalized.


PCDR envisions communities, where people have effective control of their lives, where they are prepared, responsive and resilient in times of disasters and where they can independently chart their progressive and ecologically balanced future.


PCDR is committed to assisting affected and vulnerable communities and sectors in coping with disasters and to bring about the realization of people-based and people-oriented disaster response in the communities.


PCDR aims to become an effective partner of communities in disaster preparedness and response work in Panay.

Our History

CRREED establishes linkages with individuals, groups, and the various organizations in its area of operation. It spearheads the establishment of the Network for Disaster Response – Panay with 18 member institutions, people’s organizations, and formations. The formation of the Network for Disaster Response-Panay provides additional strength in the delivery of program services in terms of human and resource finance generation and mobilization. In the past oil spill disaster campaign in Guimaras island, CRREED is at the forefront of the broad alliance, Save Our Lives! Save our Seas! (SOS) – Panay and Guimaras. It has led to the delivery of immediate relief services on the island and through its various visits to the area.

CRREED has seen first hand the situation, assessed the immediate needs, and identified what remains to be done in the long-term effort. It was the first time that CRREED was faced with an oil spill disaster from a sunken ship and helped rehabilitate the community through livelihood projects. CRREED has extensive experience in the rehabilitation of rural farmer communities, especially with the indigenous people. Likewise, it is at the forefront of the five-year rehabilitation project on Food Security, Nutrition and Improvement Program I, II & III (FSNIP I, II &III) implemented in the provinces of Capiz and the Northern part of Antique.

After 22 years of existence, the majority of the members of the Board migrated to other countries, due to its vacuum in positions the remaining three BOD members and staff decided to fill in the vacancy and make a new name a little bit shorter than CRREED. It was then that Panay Center for Disaster Response, (PCDR) Inc. was born in April 2008 with nine (9) BOD members. PCDR was registered in SEC on June 19, 2008.

Last June 2008, when typhoon Frank (FengShen) hit Panay Island PCDR was able to launch a Task Force “Buliganay” for the victims of typhoon Frank. (Buliganay means helping one another) This Task Force Buliganay spearheaded different activities in response to the impacts of Typhoon Frank.

In 2013, during the onslaught of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), PCDR was also at the forefront of conducting different emergency response activities, recovery and rehabilitation, capacity building through disaster preparedness, and prevention and mitigation activities, in all four provinces of Panay, serving more than 22,000 households.

Our Services

Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation

PCDR seeks to develop the capacity of vulnerable communities to prepare for any kind of disaster.

  • Disaster Management Trainings
  • Disaster Preparedness Committee (DPC) formation
  • Counter Disaster Plan (CDP) formulation
  • Early Warning System (EWS) structure
  • Evacuation Planning
  • Community Mapping (creation of Hazard Map, Resource Map, Evacuation Route Map)
  • Community Drills
  • Basic First Aid and Rescue Training

Emergency Response

PCDR assists victims of disasters by providing immediate relief such as food, clothing, housing materials, and basic necessities.

  • Damages, Needs, and Capacities Assessment
  • Relief Delivery Operations (RDO)
  • Psyschosocial First Aid

Recover and Rehabilitation

PCDR helps rebuild communities by strengthening their capacity and diminishing their vulnerability to disaster.

  • Natural Resources Management training
  • Tree Nurseries and Reforestation
  • Shelter and Community Infrastructure Repair
  • Livelihood Programs (provision of farm tools, seedlings, boat repair materials, fishing gears, and livestock and work animals)

Other Programs and Services

PCDR also engages in other activities that help alleviate the community’s conditions before and post-disasters.

  • Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Program
  • Food and Nutrition Programs 
  • Health Services and Alternative Medicine
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program (WASH)
  • Networking and Advocacy (women and youth empowerment, promotion of Human Rights, environmentalism)
communities served
years of service
individuals reached